Simplify. Don't Over-Simplify

Liyi Zhou, Email: lzhou1110 (at) gmail (dot) com
[Google Scholar] [Twitter]


I am a Computer Science Lecturer (roughly equivalent to a US Assistant Professor) at the University of Sydney. I co-founded

I focus on security and privacy problems, with a special interest in Decentralized Finance (DeFi). My ultimate goal is to develop generalized AI in security, similar to how Noam Brown created the first Poker AI.

I am Hiring!

My research interests include, but not limited to:
PhD Candidates 🎓
If you are passionate about pursuing a PhD with me at the University of Sydney, please email:
  1. Three bullet points highlighting your achievements (anything).
  2. At least one technical achievements (research / engineering).
  3. Your CV.
Research Interns + Engineers (Remote) 💻
We are hiring both research interns and engineers (Solidity, Golang, Postgres, NextJS) at If you are interested, please email me your CV.

My Achievements

Rankings do not mean much, they are provided here to illustrate my dedication to high-impact, top-tier research, especially for prospective PhD students.


Details of my publications, academic services, and experiences. [Download]